Culinary Herbs

Chicken Herbs

Chicken Herbs


Our Chicken Herbs are a vibrant medley of seasonal Mediterranean herbs, perfectly matched to chicken dishes. The herbs are bursting with aromatic flavour, lifting your chicken recipes to new heights.


The mild flavour and uniform texture of chicken meat presents an intriguingly blank canvas for the creative cook. Chicken is delicious when roasted, and Chicken Herbs are the perfect, easy filler for the cavity, on their own or as part of a stuffing. The smell and flavour of the herbs will infuse through the delicate meat during cooking. Chicken Herbs can also be chopped and used to marinade or rub onto chicken before frying, baking, grilling or slow-cooking. Chicken and Chicken Herbs match with cream, mushroom, apricots, white wine, cranberry, pesto, parmesan, garlic, chilli, onion, asparagus, corn, pasta, and salad greens.

Health Benefits

Chicken Herbs aid the digestion of chicken meat and other elements in the meal. They contain high levels of important anti-oxidants and micro-minerals that contribute to general health, stress resistance and longevity.



Store in the fridge in the vegetable drawer in original punnet. Use within two days of opening

Culture and History

The humble chicken has a fascinating history. First domesticated thousands of years ago, from the wild junglefowls of India and Southeast Asia, it became popular for its perfectly sized eggs, its mild, plump meat, and its inability to fly much further than the height of a single tree. The chicken has since inspired many contributions to art, culture, cuisine, science, and religion, through a broad range of cultures.


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Tasman Bay Herbs Ltd
84 Dehra Doon Road, Riwaka, R.D.
3 Motueka 7198
New Zealand

© Tasman Bay Herbs

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